In Tense Care - the Board
This is the first file of 3 ( or 4 ) . This is the board for an English education game I have designed and made . I hope you can find it worthwhile playing .
In Tense Care - the board.docx
Microsoft Word Document 178.7 KB
In Tense Care . The board , in English only
Where as the document in the file above has some Japanese for assistance , this board is in English only .
I.T.C. the Board - Eng. only.docx
Microsoft Word Document 181.2 KB
In Tense Care . File 2 of 4 .
This is an explanation of how to play the board game
ITC - How to Play , 2nd file of 4.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 65.1 KB
ITC - 13 regularly done activities , File 3 of 4 .
This is to be used in conjunction with the ITC board and explanation .
In Tense Care - 13 Activities.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 167.8 KB
In Tense Care . File 4 of 4 .
For those wishing to go one step further , and to perhaps ' do batttle ' , this may provide a little further entertainment . Developed more as a means in which native speakers of English may enjoy competing with non-native speakers of the language on a level playing field .
IN TENSE CARE - situation critical.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 231.8 KB